Sunday 18 December 2011

With the weather turning colder and ice and snow on the ground, I needed something to  keep me warm. I have knitted a cowl to keep my neck warm (see previous blog post) and a hat to keep the brain warm and   fuzzy. 

The hat is def. one of my better attempts - and uses up some of my stash bought for me before my mum died earlier this year. I'll remember her whenever I wear my hat.

Sunday 6 November 2011

A year or more...

I cannot believe that I've neglected my blog for so long. Its been over a year now since last posted, and what a year! Time and people have moved on, and hopefully so has my knitting. My latest item is a cowl to brighten up plain old T shirts and keep me warm in winter...

Hopefully I will now get back to posting regularly....

Sunday 12 September 2010

Monday 2 August 2010

Return to knitting

It's return to hat knitting this month, and I am making Christmas presents with a passion at the moment. These are for my nieces, and I'm wondering what to do next... I return to work in a couple of weeks so I need to crack on with the knitting, especially as there are two shows coming up that I am hoping to exhibit in too.... more pictures of the first show within a week or so, as it's on 6-8 August.

Thursday 22 July 2010

It's taken longer than it ought to

So here's the thing. I love knitting, but I hate big projects with a passion, and it's taken me so long to complete this project - several years actually! I think my daughter was astonished when it turned up in the post...I wanted to record this for posterity as I don't often tackle jumpers and adult clothing because of the length of time it takes me to complete them.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Knitting as therapy

As you can see, I've been away from the blog for some time. I was suffering from stress related to work, but I'm now feeling well enough to blog again for the first time since my 'meltdown'. And the reason for my recovery? Knitting, of course! Well, not entirely, but it definitely helped a lot, in combination with medication and a great CBT course online. My outputs might not have been the greatest quality, but I finished a hooded cardigan for a friend's new grandaughter (forgot to take a picture) plus some of the pictured items above. Hopefully I'll start blogging again on a regular basis and my work will improve again to a quality where I might be able to sell some of them...
I'm quite pleased with the scarf (above) as this is the first piece of lacy work I have ever done, however although it was a simple 4 row pattern, it took more concentration than I had a t times whilst I was ill. Its completion is a sign of my recovery I guess.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Knitting with a difference

I'm getting very excited now. I have made many cupcakes and a couple of scarves for the 'It Snows' production and am now the proud owner of tickets to see the production on Friday night. Going out for tea beforehand, and it's going to be a unique experience seeing my knitting on stage being worn by others.... the local paper even had a write-up! Now I've finished this task I can get back to finishing some other projects I've had on the go for a while....